Is Bullet Train Right for You?

Here is a list of the many resources that prospective Bullet Train customers have found helpful when deciding to purchase Bullet Train.

  1. You can see the current state of Bullet Train’s out-of-the-box functionality in our online demo. (Our website is effectively a default installation of Bullet Train.)
  2. You can take a look at the onboarding documentation we provide to folks who have purchased Bullet Train, including a link to the onboarding videos we provide.
  3. You can read article explaining how Bullet Train is distributed and how updates are handled.
  4. You should review the information about our Slack community, which serves as our primary support channel.
  5. You can also see our current feature roadmap, including things we want to build along with some features that current customers are already using in beta.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the YouTube channel and playlists like "Launching a SaaS in Nine Hours". Although I posted some of these videos despite their poor production quality, and despite not promoting these videos almost at all in the year since, I still have new customers who mention that they both enjoyed these and found them helpful in some way.

The resources I've mentioned here are not designed to answer every possible question. Instead, it's always been my intention that potential customers who are evaluating Bullet Train should schedule a call with us. This is the easiest way for us to answer questions about your specific use case and give you a closer tour of the Bullet Train code itself.

After all of that, if and when you're ready to purchase, you can do that directly from our pricing page. It will be a pleasure to have you aboard!