When you purchase Bullet Train, you get the benefit of all the work we've ever done on it, but it doesn't stop there: You'll also get access to new features as we release them and you'll have early access to beta features while they're still in development.
Below is a list of features we currently have planned or are already in the works. Most of the time these new features are prioritized by customer demand, so if you see something you're interested in below or have a suggestion for another feature that you feel should be part of Bullet Train, please don't hesitate to reach out directly.
Zero-Effort Outbound Webhooks
Bullet Train’s outbound webhooks infrastructure completes the picture of what users think of in a modern API. Bullet Train already provides application users with a REST API and robust documentation for any models that have been run through Super Scaffolding. Now users can also subscribe to receive HTTP requests delivered to any URL for any events that take place on the data in their account. Additionally, we provide best-of-breed debugging tools to help them inspect which events have been triggered and delivered and which encountered errors.
Inbound Webhooks Infrastructure
A number of Bullet Train features required building out some handling of the incoming webhooks generated by other services. These integrations provide a best-of-breed example of how you can implement webhooks handling for any number of other services you might want to integrate with.
Instant Zapier Integration
Zapier is amazing. Enabling an integration with Zapier means allowing your customers to connect your service with all the other tools and services they use. It’s like inheriting an “Integrations” page with 100 logos on it overnight. But ask anyone who has implemented an integration with Zapier and they’ll tell you that despite all the walkthroughs and documentation, you’re developing some very niche, domain-specific knowledge in the process. Not so in Bullet Train. Not only does Bullet Train’s inbound and outbound webhooks infrastructure provide everything that’s required for a Zapier integration, but we’re able to use the Super Scaffolding engine to generate the Node.js-based manifest application you have to upload to Zapier. If you’ve never implemented a Zap by hand before, you’ll probably never appreciate how magical that is… but it is. Here’s the long and the short of it: Every model can be a Zap with almost zero effort.
Out-of-the-Box Alexa Skill
It’s unlikely most people would consider including an Alexa Skill as an MVP feature for their application, but there’s little reason not to when equipped with Bullet Train’s built-in Alexa integration and the easy-to-use abstraction we provide for implementing conversational interactions. We provide well-thought-out workflows and instructions that make it easy for users to connect their Amazon Echo to their account in your application, all you have to do is define the responses to the questions you expect them to ask. Not only do features like this provide real value for people who want to use them, but they also make your product look mature beyond it’s years on it’s marketing page.
Twilio SMS and Other Messenger Integrations
Based on the same abstraction of conversational interactions used in our integration with Amazon Alexa, integrations with Twilio SMS and other messenger platforms provide an additional opportunity for users to receive messages and notifications from your application or provide new information or images for use in their account.
Team Subdomains
Team dashboards can be configured to appear on subdomains of the main application dashboard, instead of hosting all teams dashboards on the same domain.
Domain Configuration and Routing within Accounts
Many types of applications allow users to manage their data in a private account section, but publish a public view of that data on the web. Other applications allow users to configure domains so they can white label the service they’re paying for. There’s no reason every application that does this should have to reimplement the integrations with service providers, rewrite the workflows and documentation to allow users to properly configure their DNS to point to the application, and recreate the tools that allow users to test everything is wired up properly.
Better URLs
Using incremental IDs in URLs for resources like users, teams, and subscriptions reveals private information about your business and user base. By using friendly IDs across the board, these indicators remain private in your business.
Complete Localizations and Language Switcher
Bullet Train provides a professional translation of it’s user interface into Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, German, Vietnamese, Korean, French. It detects a user's language settings but also allows them to configure this for their own account or per team.
Improved Localization Tools
Keeping translations up-to-date and in-sync can be challenging. Bullet Train provides static analysis tools that will report when a target language translation has fallen behind updates to the corresponding message in the source language. These tools can be integrated with your test suite and CI service to stop these mistakes from making their way to production.
OAuth Integration Code Generators
Bullet Train provides a number of OAuth integrations for popular services, but there are hundreds of other integrations that are possible using the same approach, and using our code generational tools you can use our existing integrations as a template for any of the many available OAuth strategies.
Even Better API Documentation
The API documentation Bullet Train provides out-of-the-box is already functional, but we know it can be even better because of companies like Stripe who set the bar for developer documentation so high. We want ever application built on Bullet Train to meet that same standard. There's also an opportunity to use our code generation tools to help spit out the libraries (e.g. Ruby Gems, etc.) to make integrating with your API easy on many major development platforms.
Segment Integration
It would be great if Bullet Train automatically integrated with dozens of industry leading analytics tools for measuring user behavior, success, and happiness. Segment has, for years, provided a one-stop-shop for just that. This means that within Bullet Train we have one set of well-tested instrumentation for logging different events throughout the app that users perform (e.g. user sign-up, invitations, engagement with features, etc.), and you can use Segment to hook it up to any number of other services where you can analyze that data. Segment, at the time of this writing, provides a generous free tier of 1,000 monthly tracked users, which will go a far way for many of the SaaS-style businesses being built on Bullet Train.